The next election will be held in February 1936. The fascist party, led by Francisco Franco, has 46% popularity, the democratic party, led by Manuel Azana, has 47%, the communist party, led by Jose Diaz, has 7% support, and the nonaligned party has zero support.

It has a volunteer army, export trade focus, and civilian economy. Spain starts the game in 1936 as a democratic regime with 50% national unity. What if Nationalist Spain had joined the war? Or, more interestingly, what if the Republicans won and Spain aligned itself with the Allies or the Soviet Union? Either outcome could radically alter the course of the war. Spain remained neutral during World War 2, declining to support Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. Eventually, the nationalists triumphed and Francisco Franco became its leader. The war was a glimpse of things to come, as fascists, communists, and democrats sent volunteers, supplies, and weapons to support opposing sides. From Jto April 1, 1939, Spain was wracked by a civil war caused when nationalist forces rebelled against the Second Spanish Republic. Spain hardly qualifies as a minor power, but because it sat on the sidelines in World War 2, it can be considered such for the purposes of this game.

These articles examine the benefits and drawbacks of playing as any of dozens of minor countries in HOI IV. Hearts of Iron IV is an epic historical simulator that allows you to experience the Second World War as any country, and perhaps, change history. Welcome to the latest in a series of posts looking at minor countries in the game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Entertainment.